Christian Prophecy Now

Fulfilled Prophecy – Todd Bentley, the Crooked Boot

April 3, 2009
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Re the vision of Todd Bentley making a boot for the church by which it would walk crooked and twisted [see here], this fulfilment has surely been displayed by the crookedness displayed by the church in recent times re Todd Bentley’s affair, second marriage and faux restoration by Bill Johnson, Rick Joyner et al.  It has become very crooked and warped indeed.

Reminds me of the nursery rhyme:  “There was a crooked man, And he walked a crooked mile….”

Fulfilled Prophecy – The Fall of Todd Bentley

November 25, 2008
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From vision here, predicting Todd Bentley’s fall from a great height – which came to pass after the airing of the ABC Nightline interview revealing there were no documented healings or miracles at Lakeland.

 I saw Todd Bentley symbolically in an enormous dragon’s mouth, and he was being shaken around from side to side by the dragon like a dog shakes a toy with its teeth, except there was no playfulness or niceness or joy about it. Todd was swung from side to side, from left to right,  and then just as dogs do after a while, he let go – the dragon let go on one of the swings, and with enormous force Todd Bentley went falling through the air and hit the ground.

The dragon (Satan) is described in Revelation, as coming with great anger in the Last Days and being unleashed upon the world with fury. He ’spiritually’ empowers the false prophet and the beast, as the Antichrist arises, to do great signs and wonders, even calling down fire from heaven that will fool the world. Many ‘Christians’ will exchange the truth for a lie in those days. Though the beast’s movement and its prophets have  lacked a true spark of spiritual power, instead relying on lies, deceit and charlatanism, real dark spiritual power comes, at some point, enabling genuine spiritual wonders that are not invented or pretended.

Todd being figuratively in the dragon’s mouth means he speaks for the dragon as his false prophet (one of them, that is) and his being swung from left to right in the dragon’s mouth is possibly resembling his scope of influence in the world as he speaks at a ‘height’ – as the dragon was very tall and this could resemble Todd speaking to many far and wide.

However, for whatever reason, the dragon will   toss Todd Bentley aside out of his mouth and as he does, Todd will ‘fall’, meaning that Todd will no longer be in the dragon’s mouth speaking for him on the ‘world stage’ as he is tossed aside.

Sadly, I felt Todd Bentley being no longer the dragon’s mouthpiece was not   for positive reasons by way of Todd repenting, as it was not like God rescued Todd to speak for Him (as he would do if Todd repented), but it seemed to me in some other negative   way because of how it happened and the disdain and hatred there from the dragon towards Todd who was even still one of his own – he so clearly ‘belonged’ to the dragon in that sense, the Father of Lies.

In the same vision, his being hung out to dry was predicted and this has also come to pass. It is also clear that news of Todd’s adultery was intentionally ‘leaked’ in order for this affair to become the sole topic of focus, criticism and restoration – rather than the actual lies that brought Lakeland down.

Fulfilled Prophecy – Todd Bentley and Bigfoot

August 27, 2008
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Thanks to ‘OhhowILOVEJESUS’ for directing me to this article here.

Excerpts from the longer article….

“Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.” – Proverbs 27:20

Evangelist Todd Bentley and Bigfoot were both summer sensations this year – stealing the headlines and captivating both the curious and the critic with their 15 minutes of fame.

Bentley, a larger than life “miracle worker” from Canada, put on a big show here in the States that drew a lot of people and a lot of media attention down in Lakeland, Florida. …

Bigfoot, on the other hand, didn’t have to do a thing to amaze the masses but lay frozen in a freezer.

It didn’t matter how outrageous the claims – how preposterous the premise or how bazaar the behavior of those involved. Readers and viewers couldn’t get enough of either one. And most all the providers of news and information, both on and off the web, were happy to accommodate the insatiable appetite for more.

Why? Because everyone loves a circus!”

I had not heard that Bigfoot was making the news this year until I read this, and it immediately reminded me of what God had shown me in a vision on June 2nd this year (see Beware of Yeti Footprints) which was comparing Todd Bentley’s Lakeland Revival to Bigfoot and other such ’natural’ human hoaxes. The subsequent news since then re: Bigfoot being a summer sensation and Todd Bentley proven as being false, and this unassociated article that ’OhhowILOVEJESUS’ sent me tying the two things together, is a great confirmation of the vision.

Just like God said, Lakeland has been proven to have been a racket.

The footprints made in this Lakeland Outpouring ’revival’ are different than claimed. Hoaxers have conned you into seeing what is not really there. A ‘racket’ is going on and something ‘abominable’ in God’s sight. You misinterpret the signs and see Yeti, and heavenly visitation from the sky, when in fact someone – or some people – have been walking around with things on their feet and faking it for their own gain.

Vision of Todd Bentley Being a Spiritual Boot Maker for the Church

June 15, 2008
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I had a prophetic vision of Todd Bentley. I saw that he was a symbolic bootmaker working in a cobblers’ shop. Todd had before him a really odd shaped wooden mold/frame/foot shaped mannequin block (or whatever you call it) that cobblers use to fit the boot leather around, and work around to make the boot.

What was most noticeable was that the wooden block was really peculiar looking, shaped nothing like a human foot. It was really wide, large and sprawling and spread out, looking more like a treetrunk in an enhanted forest with bumpy, nobbly and spindly bits in the wood  (meaning if you literally followed the wooden mold with the leather, it would make bumps in the boot painful to walk on), and it was very crooked and twisting in places, especially the sides where it twisted up at the most diverse angles inwards toward the boot which would cripple the foot over. I could see that this ‘mold’ would make a boot that would not only ensure that the person wearing the boot could absolutely not walk, it was ridiculously impossible, but that it would also CRIPPLE the person who would wear it. I also saw that cobbler (Todd) knew this while he was using this mold, and it was deliberate and intentional on his part to pass this on and impart it to the recipient.

Who is to wear this ‘boot’ that Todd Bentley is making? It was for the church. What is the boot? It is what is passed on from Todd’s words and ministry and impartations and the fruit – a collective and cumalitive effect. God is saying that if the church receives from Todd Bentley (individually one on one and collectively), and puts ’this boot’ on, it will cripple and damage her so she cannot walk.

Todd Bentley and his impartations are absolutely not from God but the enemy – avoid them at all costs, they are dangerous. If you have recieved anything, repent and ask God for his deliverence and refuse to pass it on and impart it to others or you will cripple them too.

Beware of Yeti footprints, crop circles and antique artefacts – a vision

June 3, 2008
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Last night, I had a vision and saw how it was relevant to Lakeland/Todd Bentley (and also to some of Bentley’s associates and what subsequently comes out of this whole movement, even when Todd Bentley is shaken and fallen and tossed aside from the dragon’s mouth and is no longer the dragon’s false prophet mouthpiece).

In this vision I saw someone outside in the snow. They had something like tennis rackets tied to the bottom their boots, and a plastic bag tied over these tennis rackets, and they were slowly walking on these rackets and making large imprints in the snow. They were thus deliberately making much larger footprints than were really   their own, as their own feet were far different in shape and far smaller in size.

I saw that the whoever was doing this, was doing it intentionally for deceptive purposes. It reminded me of crime stories where people wear over-sized shoes to leave a false trail of footprints running away from the crime-scene in order to fool the detectives that the criminal actually had much bigger feet than they really did.

More than that, it reminded me of the stories of Yeti – the abominable snowman, a favourite of lovers of the occult – where some hoaxers have intentionally faked Yeti footprints in the snow, by similar means with wierd contraptions strapped to their feet. Nothing truly wonderful, far out or supernatural or occult has occured – Yeti had not really made an appearance – but plain old human deception,   using quite simple and basic means has made it appear as if Yeti has indeed been out and about.

The hoaxer who did the alien crop circles some few years ago has been on my mind of late, as another symbol of human trickery and deception of a mulitude – and this of course ties into the above, as it was done with a contraption fitted on his feet. The hoaxer made the crop circles that ‘experts’ declared were perfect and could not have been faked by humans, with a simple plank of wood strapped to his feet and a piece of string. It was so basic and ‘backward’ and rough and ready it was laughable. I think he was only found out though when he confessed to the hoodwinked nation and media. The most simple and obvious explantion was overlooked – human deception. Do you remember how much hype there was about  crop circles at the time? This was much bigger than Lakeland!

But deception does not need to be all that clever to wile people. It can be simple, basic, rudimentary – rough around the edges, and some will believe because they want  to believe. They want to see Yeti, so they will believe the faked footprints to be Yeti footprints, even when the evidence indicates otherwise. They want to see aliens and little green men, so will believe that aliens like making symmetrical patterns in English fields when the harvest is ripe, they want to see God move in revival, and will thus see revival. They will not think beyond the box, let alone test claims made by the hoaxers as to a more natural explanation for all these various ’signs and wonders’.

I believe in divinely imparted miracles – I have said this many times. I also believe in angels and healing and deliverence and evangelism. I am NOT a cessationist.  BUT I also believe in the counterfeit signs – whether faked by humans, or helped on by demons.

I watched a television program some weeks ago on a family of prolific art forgers, quite famous in Britain mainly because of their age. (The parents are in the eighties). They carried out a lot of cons over the space of around twenty years, conned many of the experts, made hundreds of thousands of pounds, and some of their  forgeries were very, very good. But although they looked the part to the eye, there would sometimes be relatively basic mistakes – like using the wrong materials not at all appropiate to the era, or something like this that more scrutiny and proper testing and weighing would have revealed. 

Art ’experts’ were interviewed and asked how they could have been so fooled. It was amazing to see some pass the buck. One guy from the British Museum said something to the effect that they had not thoroughly checked the piece out they had given a detailed appraisal of, and valuation of, for the Bolton museum, because they had been told by Bolton that the piece was coita – so some assumption had gone on that the piece was genuine as a starting point. These experts at Bolton and in London, had seen a forged document, made by the family’s Mum, purported to be a catalogue from a Victorian auction sale where the ‘antique’ was allegedly bought by the family grandfather. As forgeries are not expected to be old like this, an assumption was made – the piece had a certifiable history, the piece therefore must be genuine. No-one thought to check this fake antique catalogue out, test it and scrutinise that.  Nobody did the proper checks. Bolton did not, and took it on face value, or assumed London would check it out, and London assumed Bolton had already done it. They assumed someone else had done it OR they saw no need to. These fake catalogues and histories were the family’s key to passing off a succession of dubious fake antiques as genuine – to fool the experts.

Spiritual deception can be like this. When weighing something up, assumption may well have gone on that the ‘piece’ is genuine as a starting point. So all the right questions are not asked as the questions are not even thought of – and the correct conclusion cannot be reached as it is not even considered. 

Or we assume someone else we trust or respect that says it is OK has checked it out properly – but who is to say they really have (or are always right)?  They  may well have trusted and respected someone else further up the chain, who likewise did not scutinise and trusted someone else, who trusted someone else etc! That is how whole churches get fooled.

We might question the manifestation, or even the minister the manifestation is imparted through, but because other people say it or he is ok, we decide it must be OK. Or because a pastor or leader that we have always trusted says it is Ok, we think it is OK because out pastor has good discernment and always been right to date. Or any number of reasons where we add up 2 and 2 and make 5, and get fooled and fool others.

I know I did this skip in logic at the time of Toronto Blessing. When I first saw it, I thought it demonic and foreign – even God warned me it was – but because my pastor and YWAM leaders said it was good, and because I had only seen and understood great blessing from the Vineyard Churches to date (that Toronto was then part of), I decided as they had been Ok to date, they must   be OK now. I trusted  John Wimber and he was running with it. Ultimately, I trusted their discernment over my own and ignored what God has said, deciding I must have misunderstood God. Their opinions, or their past histories, was my fake auction catalogue that authenticated the ‘blessing’ for me. This is to my discredit. I assumed much.

One may hear someone we love and trust saying ‘Lakeland is good’…..yet our discernment alarm is going off big time and shouting ‘red flag’. But we will decide we must be wrong, and the others are right – they must  be. They have always been right before. They are men of God. They would not lie to us. They have been to seminary and have experience much greater than ours. They are older and maturer in the Lord than we etc.

We may hear people we love and trust testifying to experiences, and so everything else is chucked out of the window, and the other’s experiences and testimony become our ‘auction catalogue’ and authentication – instead of the truth in the word of God.  And as we get further involved with it, our own testimony, our own experience  becomes the authentication over truth and drowns out all doubts. It feels good, it seems good, so it must be right, it must be true. We have long since forgotten we did not do the most basic testing, and will never test again as that stage has been skipped and has been forgotten it was skipped.

While we are manifesting under a false impartation, from a false minister, we may be genuinely praying to the real Lord God, and are not thinking anything demonic but are in ecstasy. We go to many more religious meetings and feel high and all lovey dovey with God. Thus we conclude because this is happening, everything else that is happening to us and around us, must be equally of God too. We add 2 and 2 together to make 5.

Don’t be fooled by the ‘auction catlog’, folks. Test everything, at every stage, and trust God over man. Let truth be your authentication.

The footprints made in this Lakeland Outpouring ’revival’ are different than claimed. Hoaxers have conned you into seeing what is not really there. A ‘racket’ is going on and something ‘abominable’ in God’s sight. You misinterpret the signs and see Yeti, and heavenly visitation from the sky, when in fact someone – or some people – have been walking around with things on their feet and faking it for their own gain.

Please now see not only the ’signs’ true source, but also their true size and shape as there has been a lot of lies and false trails to make things out to be bigger than they are. God is saying that there is deliberate human deception afoot. Lakeland supporters – you have been had   by something pretty basic and simple at heart.

If you have been fooled, wake up and repent of your foolishness and renounce the false impartations and theology from this revival, that all may go well with you.

A Vision about prophet Bob Jones

June 2, 2008
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Last night, I had a vision of Bob Jones.

I saw him writing a letter, and as the ink from his feather pen really saturated and soaked the piece of paper he was writing, so the tip of this feather quill was coated in its tip with dark deadly poison like a deadly arrow with poison secreted in its tip like some tribes intentionally use. I understood immediately the Lord to say through this vision,  that the words that Bob Jones prophesied were his ‘letter’, and the words were poisonous to the church and deadly indeed. They were dark showing their origin – Satan – and not God. They should not be listened to, but should be routed out of the church and repented of.

Bob Jones, of course, mentors Todd Bentley and many of other other ‘voices’ in the new prophetic movement such as Patricia King, Sharnael Wolverton etc, and he has a huge influence over people like Mike Bickle and Lou Engle – and these people’s lips now all drip poison too. It is a terrible false dark spirit that is in Bob Jones’ pen – avoid it, at all costs.

Prophetic Art re Todd Bentley’s Lakeland Outpouring Revival

May 16, 2008
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A vision of Todd Bentley in The Dragon’s Mouth & Then Being Tossed Aside

May 5, 2008
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In a vision I had, I saw Todd Bentley clearly being ‘hung out to dry’ by others (that I thought were his associates in the prophetic/church movement) on a washing line. This reflects the expression ‘being hung out to dry’.  Although I understood the expression, although not the context, the vision made no sense from a human persepective, as Todd was then, and still is, seemingly at the top of his game by human standards, and why would they want to do that to him when he is flavour of the moment – yet I saw it so clearly and deniably and knew it was the Lord speaking. And while ’sitting’ on this, and the subsequent second vision, the visions and meanings has remained with me, and conviction has grown this will indeed happen (if Todd does not repent and get right with God).

In the second vision, a few days later after the ‘washing line’ vision, I saw Todd Bentley symbolically in an enormous dragon’s mouth, and he was being shaken around from side to side by the dragon like a dog shakes a toy with its teeth, except there was no playfulness or niceness or joy about it. Todd was swung from side to side, from left to right,  and then just as dogs do after a while, he let go – the dragon let go on one of the swings, and with enormous force Todd Bentley went falling through the air and hit the ground.

I believe these two visions to tie in.

The dragon (Satan) is described in Revelation, as coming with great anger in the Last Days and being unleashed upon the world with fury. He ’spiritually’ empowers the false prophet and the beast, as the Antichrist arises, to do great signs and wonders, even calling down fire from heaven that will fool the world. Many ‘Christians’ will exchange the truth for a lie in those days. Though the beast’s movement and its prophets have  lacked a true spark of spiritual power, instead relying on lies, deceit and charlatanism, real dark spiritual power comes, at some point, enabling genuine spiritual wonders that are not invented or pretended.

Todd being figuratively in the dragon’s mouth means he speaks for the dragon as his false prophet (one of them, that is) and his being swung from left to right in the dragon’s mouth is possibly resembling his scope of influence in the world as he speaks at a ‘height’ – as the dragon was very tall and this could resemble Todd speaking to many far and wide.

However, for whatever reason, the dragon will   toss Todd Bentley aside out of his mouth and as he does, Todd will ‘fall’, meaning that Todd will no longer be in the dragon’s mouth speaking for him on the ‘world stage’ as he is tossed aside. Sadly, I felt Todd Bentley being no longer the dragon’s mouthpiece was not   for positive reasons by way of Todd repenting, as it was not like God rescued Todd to speak for Him (as he would do if Todd repented), but it seemed to me in some other negative   way because of how it happened and the disdain and hatred there from the dragon towards Todd who was even still one of his own – he so clearly ‘belonged’ to the dragon in that sense, the Father of Lies.

Satan’s tactics. Renewal, Revival, Outpouring and a Grand Distraction

May 1, 2008
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I was dozing one day in front of the television some months back. I have no idea what the actual show was that was on at that time, other than it was some kind of anime cartoon that had come on. Anyway in between my napping, something one of the characters in the cartoon said really struck me. He was obviously the bad guy by his chilling and gravelly voice, and he said this:

“I shall not directlly oppose their army (the good guys), for if I obviously obstruct them they will become even more  determined to fight against me and will between them soon destroy the obstruction I set for them. I shall distract  them instead and divert their attention… this will be far more effective to achieve my overall goal. They will not even realise what is happening! And by the time they do realise, I will have had my way and will be home dry!”

Thus spoke the enemy and even though I was nodding in and out of sleep at the times, these words struck  me, and I thought, ‘Yes…that is exactly what our enemy (Satan) does sometimes. He subtlely distracts Christians rather than openly directly and obviously oppose them.’ 

And while I thought on this, I remembered the Toronto Blessing – how in a vision I had seen Satan laughing at it, as he  was the true spiritual source behind it. Note, that  I am not saying that everything   that happened during the Toronto meetings was demonic or satanic – it was not – there was a lot of flesh involved too. There was also some genuine Godly experiences. There was sometimes a mixture of spiritual and fleshly sources. And almost every single person involved was sincere and God seeking and would have been horrified to realise its true spiritual source and how they were actually being hindered and mocked rather than equipped and refreshed and revived. As one leader from Brownsville-Pensacola said (paraphrased):  ‘If we realised that Toronto was not of God, and was demonic in origin, as we definitely got whatever they had imparted to us, we would have been imparted with the demonic and been passing it on to others. That thought is just too horrific….’  *

*[I have to add in here that there were sometimes warnings about witches sneaking into the meetings, and laying their hands and imparting something bad and cursing people instead of blessing them…. so we were told we should be careful who we let lay their hands on us and if not sure about someone (I assume by that they meant if we spotted the witch’s pointy hats and evil grins and heard them cackle) we should only get ministry from a trained ministry team member. But the question is….. how could witches promote and pass on these manifestations if they were really  from God?  And never, ever, even with these solemn warnings, was testing the spirits or discernment ever mentioned! It is incredibly naive to think that evil looks evil and that evil is afraid to use the name of Jesus where it suits them.]

So I am not saying that everything  that happened there was Satanic at all. BUT, and here is the but,  the overall spirit behind the thing and leading it, was Satanic. The bad fruit that it spiritually produced over the years, and is still producing, since then more than confirms this. The bad apple prophets and apostles and doctrines it elevated also more than confirms this. Todd Bentley’s The Lakeland Outpouring, and Trevor Baker’s The Dudley Outpouring, of course, is linked to the same people and the same spiritual source as Toronto and Brownsville – that is, Satan.

In the last article I wrote on The Most Fruitless Mission ever here, which was at the height of the Toronto Blessing. I said –

“The enemy’s greatest tactic is not so much to deliberately obstruct, but to distract, which is far more  effective. And distract us he did. And it worked, and worked well. What happened was not revival, it was not even renewal – it was just a grand distraction.”

It is now laughable to me that I did not see the paradox of things like people knocked over and ’slain in the spirit’ and manifesting vigrously but not actually healed, even a little bit, or of folk running on the spot or around the room ‘in the Spirit’, sometimes for many hours at a time, claiming and prophesying an ’evangelism anointing’ to the nations – but not actually running, let alone walking out of their own front door to do any evangelism – just going back into church halls for more anointing which LIED to them, and distracted them from the real work of the kingdom! For the ministry of the word of God, evangelism work, prayer meetings, and normal fellowship and church work was exchanged for a lie at this time. A grand distraction it was indeed. So clever and cunning, all done in Jesus’ name. But nobody said Satan was thick.

He’s behind you….(no, really, he IS)

March 3, 2008
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I was watching an exciting crime thriller a few weeks ago. It was different than the normal pulp fiction churned out by Hollywood, with a good storyline that didn’t just rely on car chases, punch-ups and other strong visuals. However, I was left with a great sense of indignation when right near the end, the main character, the crime busting hero who I’d sympathised with from the very beginning, turned out to be the baddie.

Normally in films, the directer cues the audience in as to who are the good, and who are the bad characters, right from the start. The actor playing the baddie looks slimy or does a stage sneer to the side for only the audience to see, or we are privy to seeing him doing something bad in secret, or the lighting or music reflects the character’s intent – cue Jaws type suspenseful music, setting us on edge – der, der, der, der…. But there were no such cues in this film. The director and writer had been clever and completely shocked their audience. And so as well as seeing, the audience felt  in some small part the shock the characters in the film were supposed to who’d been betrayed.  Because it was my favourite actor who ‘always’ plays good guys, I felt even more ‘betrayed’. I was surprised how ’upset’ I was, as it was only a film after all!

But the director had been true to life, because, of course, life’s like this. Life really isn’t like the movies. We don’t normally get cues when the bad guys are on ’set’. The bad guys look just like the good guys most of the time. The goats look like the sheep, and the sheep look like the goats. People get hurt, taken and conned every day of their lives by people they trust and sometimes love.

Not all murderers look like the infamous iconic Myra Hindley photograph, with a dodgy hair-do, evil staring eyes and dark bags under their eyes. Thieves don’t go walking around with stripey jumpers and swag bags. Not all con-men look like Arthur Daly. Crooning young Turkish lotharios  flutter their eyelashes and literally charm the pants off elderly divorcees on holiday so they can get a visa into Britain – yet the woman is completely blind to it. Smooth talking salesmen talk people into paying silly amounts of money for heaps of junk.

 ‘He had an honest face, I trusted him.’  is the frequent claim after the fact. The conman didn’t look like a conman, or behaved like they  expected a conman to behave. Another thing people say is:  ‘But he was such a pillar of the community. I can’t believe he’d have done something like this.’

A good conman is a good conman because he gets people’s confidence – hence the expression ‘confidence trickster’. If he looks really dodgy he won’t be much good at conning and will stick to ebay scams or timeshare.  A huckster looks so much like the real deal, that even when people have been taken, and ample damning evidence is available, some victims of con-men still refuse to admit they’ve been ‘had’. It’s too much for them to handle to admit their discernment is that far off, and they have been deliberately seduced and used. Some victims will  frequently make excuses for the criminal so they don’t have to face this fact: ‘he meant well but…..’  It’s self-denial.

What do you think a conman looks like?

How can you recognise him? How will you?  Life is not like it is in the movies. There’s no pantomime cues to warn you that the baddie is ‘behind you’.

The church is in the most part far too naive and trusting. Because many of the good folk who make up its ranks wouldn’t dream of conning another person, let alone a Christian, they cannot even consider that another Christian, far less scrupulous than them, would con another. Or they will not consider the Christian is not really a Christian after all but pretending to be one and lying to them. But why not? It happens. How will you recognise the liars and pretenders among your brethren when they all look and dress the part?

I think most folk, even in the church, accept there are ’snake oil salesmen’ out there on the evangelical circuit. But they all point the finger at another church somewhere else. ‘Sure, a few are out there, somewhere,’  they’ll claim, ‘but not in our denomination, and not on our conference circuit….’   But why not, when there’s huge amounts of money to be made on your circuit? It’s a con-man’s paradise, literally, with far more money to be made than on the psychic circuit or at the circus – and with far less scrutiny.  Not only are the church naive and trusting, but they’re gullible and generally don’t test and weigh what they hear and see. Con-men can get away with murder, and can easily silence those who have doubts with talk of  ‘don’t touch my anointed’.  Easy, easy money from easy, easy prey. Church – stop being so easy!

The church is lied to, deceived and taken by many con-men, day in and day out. And the biggest section this charlantism is happening in? The so-called Spirit-filled arena, where many people are swayed by feelings and sensations over scripture. What does this say about the spirit of the so-called Charismatic/Pentecostal movement and its discernment?

What do you think a false teacher or a false prophet looks like?  

Not all ‘baddies’ in life are crooks and charlatans. There are false teachers and false prophets whose primary driving force may not be money, and who do not have evil intentions. Time and time again, I hear the naive and unbiblical,  ‘If we trust God, he won’t let us be led astray’.  Or worse, ‘I can trust my Spiritual leanings, and the Holy Spirit testifies to my spirit that these guys are ok and true prophets and teachers.’   Yet there is ample evidence they are NOT true teachers or true prophets.

Do you think false prophets all have signs around their necks saying ‘false prophet’, and have dark expressions and wild staring eyes and wear meditation beads around their necks? Do you think they all look like long haired Charles Manson or unshaven David Koresh or stay hidden behind dark glasses like the sinister looking Jim Jones of the People’s Temple? Honestly, what do you think a false prophet or teacher looks like? Have you ever even thought about it?

Most people’s picture of a false prophet is probably not a realistic one, and is probably more like a caricature as per above – not that differant from the caricature of a thief with a stripey jumper, mask and swag bag. But the Bible says that the false teachers and false prophets will probably be the most popular in the church. So the false prophets and false teachers rather than resembling the caricature, will have the face of the person on that poster promoting their latest bestseller at the Christian bookstore, have the face of that teacher on that popular Christian TV programme, or have the face of the preacher coming to town or at your church next week.

The false prophets and teachers will be popular as they have seductive teachings that make people feel happy and good about themselves instead of convicted and stirred into action. They’ll tickle people’s ears and talk about love and rainbows and doves and bunny rabbits and peace, rather than criticise, warn of coming judgment and crying out ‘repent!’ and ’get your house in order’. They may mean well but lead off far astray. Many of them will make merchandise of God’s people but not all. Some are power hungry, some are greedy, some are both. But some are neither.

Some teachers know they’re teaching rubbish but either deliberately do it for evil intent OR because they just don’t care. But many false teachers and prophets don’t know they’re in error. They honestly mean well. Someone who works in cult information said: ‘most people don’t knowingly join a cult, they join what they think is the true way.’  That’s the nature of error, you’ll honestly believe it’s the truth. False teachers and false prophets don’t look any different than anybody else. They can be loving and sincere and intelligent and sound just the same as the true teachers. That’s why the church must test and weigh everything, however high regarded a teacher is by others, against SCRIPTURE. Against this plumbline alone – and not feelings – does it become clear who and what is true and false.

What does error look like?

Far too may Christians claim they can’t possibly be deceived.  I even heard a pastor of an Assemblies Of God church claim that God would not allow counterfeit manifestations to happen in their midst. I told the pastor how naive this was and also how unscriptural. Unfortunately, since then, his church has fallen into great sin and also great error. This was part of a prophecy warning them of the ‘Spirit of Jezebel’ in their midst that they paid no heed to:-

‘I ‘saw’ the spirit of error coming as a beautiful looking lady – very seductive and finely dressed, looking like a beautiful young Christian woman – she was shiny – radiant even – and smiling. She was wholesome looking, I would say American looking as she had big white teeth and long wavy chestnut brown hair (ideal of an all-American gal) – and would probably be a model on a Christian internet dating service as she looked so good and wholesome and beautiful! She was not at all ‘evil’ or fake looking – and she was wearing expensive fine tailored embroidered linen clothes of a lovely purple colour perfectly fitting for Church that would not offend anyone, but were trendy enough at same time. The spirit of error does not ‘dress’ itself up as a street corner tart with lots of makeup etc – it takes its time to look like the real thing!

The spirit of error looks like the real thing to the undiscerning and/or spiritually immature – and ‘she’ is very appealing and seductive – be aware, be on guard and protect your flock. The purple colour is symbolic of royalty and ‘she’ is trying to usurp the true Kingdom of God with the counterfeit Kingdom. She is Queen of the counterfeit kingdom of false anointing and spiritual gifts. I believe her name is figuratively Jezebel. (NB. I know many modern-day ‘prophets’ and spiritual warfare people misuse this name, and mis-teach about this, labelling everything here and there a Jezebel spirit, I am not talking in that sense but in the proper Biblical sense of a spirit leading the flock astray to spiritual adultery/idolatry/paganism.

The counteraction against the spirit of Jezebel is not spiritual warfare in the modern ‘third wave’ sense but by preaching and teaching sound doctrine, testing and weighing everything, and not tolerating Jezebel when she appears as give her an inch and she will take a mile. She particularly preys on the young – I see her thriving on ‘eating’ young flesh.

In the same vision I then saw a group of salmon about to leap ahead in a river to a new phase….But….I saw a fish caught with a huge hook in its mouth – it was horrible, I could almost feel the grip and discomfort of the poor fish, and I said, ‘Lord do not let any of the church’s salmon be caught by Satan’s bait’ – and God said ‘some have already.’ I asked how. I then saw a vision of a child being dragged underneath a bramble bush and I was reminded of the old  superstitious charm that goes something like to rid a child of being bewitched, they would drag them underneath a bramble bush backwards seven or nine times. What on earth could that mean for the church, I wondered? I puzzled on this for a while when God asked, ‘Would this still be a superstition if they used the name of Jesus while doing this ritual?’

I thought about this – yes it still would be superstition/paganism, albeit using the name of Jesus as they were depending on the ritual rather than the living God to deliver the goods – (note that in fact many old charms use the name of Jesus.) God then said this vision was for want of a better word about ‘Christian superstition’ in the Church – people relying on what is actually ‘superstition’ and basically pagan rituals using the name of Jesus, rather than true faith and depending on an answer from the living God himself. Paganism still comes dressed in Christian clothes – it is a little more sophisticated than the bramble bush nowadays but nonetheless it is no less aberrant to God. There are practices and beliefs that are not of God in the church. They belong to the counterfeit kingdom. Some in this specific church are caught in this trap and Satan is still fishing with very appealing bait….

I saw a can of sardines and the fish were caught and trapped in the can covered in the most disgusting thick and heavy and horrible oil I have ever seen. I mean YUCK! It was just gross. This disgusting-looking oil represents the false spiritual ‘anointing’ with the false spirit/s of the counterfeit kingdom with its false albeit appealing doctrine. However God is saying this new yucky anointing is actually pagan in origin and nothing to do with him.’

The church and its leadership ignored this prophecy because they were proud, spiritually ignorant, controlling, naive and did not test and weigh what seemed to them to be the good and wholesome looking when it came knocking- so they got taken. A serpent was also in the church’s leadership and he seduced the other naive leaders which didn’t help either. People have been hurt and have left the church and others are deep in error yet they consider themselves blessed. Hallelujah anyway, eh? They still won’t learn.

Joyce Meyer said about discernment and error:

‘I am going to tell you something right now. I no more believe that my God is going to let me stand around and believe a lie than I believe that I am going to turn green in the next two minutes. God is my source and He loves me and I am after God with my whole heart. And if I am accidentally, or any other way, getting into error, I am going to have a bell go off on the inside of me that is going to be so loud that not only am I going to hear it, but so is everybody else.’

What – does she think too that Satan always wears a red devil costume and carries a pitchfork?! Does she not know Satan appears as an angel of light? Is she that naive? My God, no wonder there is so much heresy and apostasy in today’s church if this is what is taught from the pulpits!

About author

These prophecies were originally posted on another site where they were getting a bit lost amongst the numerous other posts. They have therefore been copied to here and filed under new clear categories for ease of reference. They have been filed against their original dates, and any new information about the prophecy's fulfilment in world events has also been added in where possible. Some of the original prophecies (which had a lot of information and were quite long) have also been split up into shorter posts with new headings, again for ease of reference. Links back to the original prophecy are included, and it is emphasised this original context is important. You are encouraged to pass any of these prophecies on freely for non commercial purposes, but please do not alter them in any way and please always link to and attribute the original source.





